Cancer and The 3Rs

Resist, resent and regret 

These are the 3 main energies that mentally and emotionally contribute to cancer within the body…. 

I came to realise that it always seems to be good people that contract cancer … Ok not always but a lot of the time … and that's because many of us are aiming to be a good person… when we feel anger or resent we tend to bury it and tell ourselves that we should not act on or feel that way… especially when it's someone we love who has hurt us….. 

Life situations, people, unfairness in all its glory can create subconscious feelings of resentment and we can resist feeling them because “a good person would …..” We can also begin to regret choices we have made or choices others have made towards us and all this bottles up inside us … buried beneath our conscious mind until something awakens it … The trigger can be a person, an event, crystal, reiki, sound therapy .. but once awake its important to know and allow yourself to have these “bad thoughts”

This is your shadow side…. And it lives within you unheard and unacknowledged unless you give it a voice …. Recently I have been using low and high C Crystal bowls to break up cancer cells within a client and I have noticed how annoyed she became….. And how she wouldn't own it … because “it doesn't matter …. I shouldn't be like that …..I need to be kind….”

I told her to give herself permission to internally be unkind…. To rant… to swear… to allow all the pent up frustration to be heard… give it a voice… swear, scream, batter a pillow and shout out how unfair life is…… When she did she felt the inflammation within her subside, she meditated with me and asked what the lesson was she was learning … She was learning self respect…. Not to allow herself to be downtrodden… be used… be unheard  and she recognised the events that had happened throughout her life that had given her the opportunity to learn this but she hadn’t acknowledged what she was learning …. 

The tears flooded as she thought of herself as a small child receiving these harsh lessons from an early age and still now in adult life she was having them…. Starting a new life with a new perception is never easy… but we will meet regularly to see if we can help her adjust her vibration and find that self respect she has never known….. 

Already after just one session she is feeling less agitated, has more energy and  feels  a lot lighter, determined to honour the changes she needs to make and release the close family members who are triggering her lesson. She is going to try to break away and become independent in her own love of self… releasing and forgiving those who shown her her shadow side.

I hope this blog can help others who may also be facing cancer to find a gentler more holistic path…. 

For further details or to find a therapist please email us.


Understanding Selenite: The Crystal of Peace and Clarity